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We, Solution Associates (Pvt) Ltd., are a professional debt recovery organization. Therefore, our primary objective is to take care of your debt in a professional manner. Everything you need to know before you contacting us.

This could be the most common misconception you would have. The likelihood of your company becoming insolvent is higher, if you do not pay proper attention on collecting your debt. Also, poor cashflow has become the #1 reason for most companies to fail. Therefore, if you think of the growth of your business, you should minimize the inability to collect debt that is due.

Well, we at Solution Associates follow professional debt recovery methodologies and mediation-based techniques to ensure the timely payments are made. And, those actions will not hurt your client either.

Many defaulters think that assigning their debt to a third-party to collect is a serious action. They fear that could tarnish the brand image you build, the credit rating you maintained thus far or incur litigation. Therefore, usually the debtors do co-operate with the 3rd-party debt recovery agency than the creditors’.

Yes, of course. At an early stage, you have a fairly high chance of collecting your due. But the chances of success drops slowly with the age of the accounts. Therefore, the sooner the accounts are outsourced to a 3rd-party debt collection agency, the better.

Well, it depends on the credit period (usually 45 days) you mentioned in the invoices. However, generally, you should start contacting us at least by 90 days. You should remind this every time you check your debt ledger.

Once again we say, the sooner the accounts are allocated to us, the better.

The time we require to success of your assignment depends on the aging of the accounts. Basically, we can determine the status within 60 days.

Then, we will suggest you whether to proceed with our approach or your alternative options.

Solution Associates field debt recovery officers are professional, experienced and well-trained to negotiate with such defaulters. They are backed up by our in-house high ranking officers.

Therefore, we will keep you updated with the progress and actions taken, regularly.

No upfront charge.

When you assign your accounts to us, we do not consider as you and I are two different entities. We help you, rather than putting extra pressure on you.

It is as easy as ABC.

You may reach us via 0773 666 007 or visit us. You can get our address in Contact page.

What if the debtors are unwilling to pay even after I allocate it to you?

Solution Associates field debt recovery officers are professional, experienced and well-trained to negotiate with such defaulters. They are backed up by our in-house high ranking officers.

Therefore, we keep you updated with the progress and actions taken, regularly.
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