Precious, indeed. Let us carry your burden. We’ll save them all.
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How We Become What We Are
Premier Debt Recovery Agency in Sri Lanka
We at Solution Associates, also known as SAPL, follow proper debt collection strategies and monitor every account closely with a professional, trustworthy staff. In order to be successful, we believe discipline and punctuality are two most essential traits required in a professional.
In addition, as professional organization, we educate our employees time-to-time and look after their well-being to enhance productivity. SAPL also has a complete and secured software system for debt collection activities to make the life easier for the staff and also the management has the ability to monitor and evaluate each collectors performance whenever needed.
Let’s Numbers Talk
Our Expertise in
Debt Collection Services
In-depth Investigation
Understanding the debtor - the business itself, the ownership, its employees as to determine how large they are, how long they have been in business, and how the business is performing.
Skip Tracing
When debtors/companies just seem to “gone away” - we do extensive research to either confirm they are no longer operating or to find them at a new location, operating under different names or with different contact information.
Credit Analysis
Our organization seek to understand both debtor's financial situation and company's financial position to create a negotiating strategy and a successful result. Likewise, we find the less hassle, optimum solution.
Call Centre
Third-party debt recovery and debt management is always challenging. Often, collection calls rely on repetition to motivate the debtor to pay.
Site Visits
Sometimes becomes necessary to perform site visits - to physically interview the customer, serve necessary documents, confirm residency, value property, etc.
SDRU | Special Debt Recovery Unit
SDRU team is charged with the responsibility to investigate, manage and collect client's arrears of revenue and extremely bad debt.
Sri Lanka's Most Trusted Debt Recovery Agency
Solution Associates (Private) Limited
Solution Associates (Pvt) Ltd. also known as SAPL, is a registered debt collection agency. We also partnered with Sri Lanka’s most reputed Commercial Banks and Non-Banking Financial Institutions. We offer a full range of receivable solutions that guarantees you gain the best rate of return.
Some financial problems are too large to fix on our own when your debtors skip paying what is due. Asking for help can be difficult, and the thought of hiring a lawyer may not be the ideal choice to deal with your customers. This is where we come to assist you; we assure you that during the recovery process you won’t lose your customer. And that too with a great chance of receiving what they owe you. Hence, we save all three for you; money, client and time.
We are a debt recovery agency with a difference. Hence, Solution Associates (Pvt) Ltd. is setting standards in collection industry in Sri Lanka with our commitment, continuous trainings, custom recovery solutions. Our professionalism, remarkable results in previous years, unparalleled customer service and detailed attention is something we are proud of.
Client Organizations
Trusted by internationally and locally renowned licensed commercial banks, licensed financial institutions and organizations.