“Donation to Health” – Ward 12 of NHSL – 2023

SAPL sees Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a key aspect of being a responsible organization. Caring for our community is just as important as caring for our employees and business partners, as we deliver on our commitments in line with our values.

Under the CSR program, Team SAPL donated necessary equipment (fridge, washing machine, fan, television) along with soft toys for toddler patients in Ward 12 – Paediatric Neuro-Surgical Ward of National Hospital of Sri Lanka (NHSL) on 11th March 2023. The main objective of the donation was to lift up the hopes of both the patients and their parents and to give moral support to defeat the obstacles they are currently facing.

We also highlighted the efforts of Doctors, Nurses and other workers in the health sector for all that they do for the patients and the community. Doctors and nurses expressed their heartfelt gratitude for these donations and took the opportunity to request for more such donations for the benefit of the needy patients visiting the hospital for treatments.

We thank Dr (Mrs). Disna Rajakaruna for giving this opportunity, Nursing Sister and the staff members of Ward-12 for the warm welcome and the refreshments arranged.

This CSR initiative of donating necessary equipment is to enhance the quality of life experienced by fellow Sri Lankans and is a noble cause which Solution Associates (Pvt) Ltd. is exultant to have sponsored.

We’d love to hear what you think about this project, “Donation to Health” – Ward 12 of NHSL – 2023. Let me know in the comments or contact via the form.

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